Children are offered a wide range of play and learning activities from 8:00 am onward interrupted only by meals and snack time.

We have a safe and fully equipped outdoor area, which is used every day, weather permitting. After lunch, younger children sleep and the older children enjoy quiet activities. Play and learning activities continue until 6:00 pm when the nursery closes.

Below is a rough guide to the children’s day (this will differ slightly across the age ranges).

8:00 am
Staff and children arrive and the rooms are set up with age appropriate activities and toys. Children have free play across all 3 rooms

8:55 am – 9:20 am
Breakfast is served. 0-2 year old’s eat in their own room and the 2-5 year old’s eat together

9:20 am – 10:00 am
Free play continues

10:00 am
Children go in to their age appropriate rooms for their morning of group play and set activities

10:30 am
Snack time in baby room

10:45 am
Nappy changing and toileting (where appropriate)

11:00 – 11:30 am
Play time continues both indoors and outdoors

11:30 am
Children tidy up and get ready for lunch. Toileting and washing hands

11:45 am
Lunch is served. The children eat in their rooms with their key worker in small groups

12:15 pm
Lunch finishes and the children that need one, have a sleep. The older children have group story time and either quiet activities or garden time

2:00 pm
Children start to wake up and again go back to their rooms for group time and set activities. Any toileting or nappy changes happen at this time also

3:00 pm
Tea time

3:30 pm
Tidy up time and the children have story time. The rooms are prepared by the staff for the afternoon/evening activities

4:00 pm
Staff on early shift go home. Children have free play across all rooms

5:00 pm
Snack and drinks time. Nappy changes

6:00 pm
Nursery closes